
The greatest expectations for StarCraft II are in Blizzard

The gaming world is prepared in 2010 for one of the most anticipated releases of recent years. A game whose first part released in 1998: 12 years ago. Is Starcraft II , Blizzard launch is generating more excitement among the 'gamers', especially the 'addicted' to games RTS .

Frank Pearce. | Blizzard
Therefore, given long-awaited event, visited Madrid Frank Pearce , vice president of the company, which includes in its catalog the famous World of Warcraft, also known as' WoW ', with millions of followers throughout the world, or' Diablo '.

The same Blizzard expected, as announced by his vice president, "very excited" the arrival of the new Starcraft II, as one would expect. The hype that has been created around this release is more than justified by the "millions of fans (the first Starcraft) all over the world." But Pearce confesses: "higher expectations are in Blizzard , especially for the high quality of the game. "

With the arrival in stores, which will occur on July 27, did not forget any details. Of course, the standard edition will be accompanied by very complete collector's edition, which will be "very 'cool'" and include, as listed Pearce, "The Book of art, a 2GB USB memory with the first version of Starcraft and expansion, a DVD with extra content (developer interviews, director's comments ...), the soundtrack, a comic, a "mini-Thor (WoW pet) ..." In short, content that "we think the fans will want to have."

But most importantly, what fans will find in StarCraft II? In this game, again encounter the three races already faced in the first ('protoss', 'Terran' and 'zerg'), but this time the promise lies in making them more different than ever. The individual version stars the leader of a rebellion, Jim Raynor, head to experience the adventures they are developed according to different choices to be made ​​players with great freedom of customization.

Frank Pearce does not hesitate to play in two words: 'super good'
To this we must add the possibilities opened up by the "technological advances used to develop the game" that have allowed it to be, according to the vice president of Blizzard, is "spectacular." A new 3D engine is to blame for this and causes Pearce says, in two words, "the game is 'super good'" .

The development of StarCraft II was announced a few years ago and, since then, according ensures development VP has been taken "into account the opinion of the fans in the forums.'ve Heard what the community 'starcraft' had to say ".

Until July 27, the more fans will have to wait to have the game in his hands, with computers ready. Frank Pearce is anticipated that this game is not intended to consoles as it is "designed for PC, with keyboard and mouse." For now, he says, "there are no plans to expand to other platforms, but all the technological advances (such iPad, Natal project, etc.) serve to broaden the gaming experience.

And besides Starcraft II, Blizzard is "engaged in the launch of the new expansion for World of Warcraft 'Cataclysm' ", another novelty not insignificant that the company brings this year.

StarCraft II goes on sale on July 27 in different parts of the world, such as America, Canada, Europe or Australia. The price will be between 59.99 euros and 89.99 for Collector's Edition .

